Tuesday, December 19, 2017


We read The Sweet Smell of Christmas and had fun smelling the pages! We finished our Christmas gifts and had fun playing!
REMINDER tomorrow is our Christmas Party 10:30-11:30. Please remember to bring in a wrapped Children's book for our gift exchange.
PLA will be closed December 21st - January 2nd. We hope all of our families have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!


We are working on finishing up some speciasl gifts. We are enjoying listening to Christmas songs and books, and the excitement of Christmas is in the air! We celebrated a Big 5 Birthday today!


Party Day is Wednesday 10:30-11:30 please remember to bring in a wrapped Children's book for our gift exhange.

PLA will be closed Dec. 21st - Jan. 2nd for our winter break.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Trains/Polar Express

It was another one of those we have too much we want to talk about kind of circle times!! With Christmas so close they are very excited to share what they want for Christmas, what their elf has been up to, and about their Christmas decorations. I'm always ok with that, this is their school after all! We did read The Little Engine That Could, but to a smaller group during centers time. We did some finger painting for a special project this morning and our VIP shared some of his favorite things, his adventures with Norman, and his mommy joined us for lunch. Thank you so much for coming! Thank you to I's family for the cool magnetic racer for the classroom!! We love it ❤
REMINDER-Friday is Polar Express day wear your pajamas!!