Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Colors and Shapes

We read Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? Two of the kiddos worked on their Itsy Bitsy Spiders book and we explored the primary colors by finger painting on foil.  The shiny foil is so much fun to paint on!  We played I'm the big bad wolf and I want colored eggs.  The "wolf" would call out I'm the big bad wolf and I want red eggs!  If you were wearing a red shirt you would run and the "wolf" would try to catch you.  The wolf would pick what color they were hunting for.  It was a fun game to work on our color recognition skills!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Colors and Shapes

We read Bear Sees Colors. We went on a color hunt and pointed out things that were red, blue, green, yellow, orange, etc...  We made shapes out of play dough and the kiddos that weren't here yesterday colored their Itsy Bitsy Spider books.  For more on that see yesterday's blog.  We had fun playing with our friends, and had our favorite snack... Banana Cookies!  I will post how to make them and pictures on our Facebook page
REMINDER: We will be closed on Monday, September 5th

Monday, August 29, 2016

Colors and Shapes

This week we will be learning about colors and shapes. I really want to use this week to see who has their shapes and colors mastered and who is still learning.  Today we sang A Color Chorus, after they found one of the crayons they would go to the side so everyone could have a chance. 

Every month we have a Nursery Rhyme that we say together during Circle Time. By the end of the month most of the kiddos have it memorized. One of the first steps to learning how to read is memorization. This year we are going to add something to our Nursery Rhyme study... sometime toward the end of the month your child will be bringing home a book or a printout with our Nursery Rhyme on it. Today, we colored a book and I told them their "homework" was to "read" it to mom, dad, Grandpa or Grandma. Please take a moment to look over their book with them. If they can have them "read" it to you, and if not read it together. Hold on to these and by the end of the year most of the kiddos will have at least 10 things they can "read".